Grow a Strong Family

 Where the skills, tools, resources, and community offer navigation through a difficult landscape when you are affected by someone with a serious brain disease/mental illness.   You’ve come to the right place where there are many opportunities to strengthen your resolve in being in a relationship and a family where all members meet their needs. 


Grow a Strong Family was organized as a nonprofit in 2014 to provide a platform for those impacted by others’ serious mental illness. Through developing many services and programs, participants were offered responsive connections to acquire different skills and create new relationships. Ten years later, the organization has shifted into an online entity that provides resources, information, and advocacy.

What We Offer

Family Strategies

Families are affected whenever a member is diagnosed with a chronic illness, especially brain illness.  In addition to the many changes in relationships and managing unrealized expectations, there are alterations in the rituals that families carry out, including holidays, birthdays, vacations, etc.  This module includes coping strategies, more effective communication, avoiding power struggles, and problem-solving.


To take good, loving care of others, we need to take good, loving care of ourselves. This module offers ideas for putting on our oxygen masks first.

This module explores the 7 C’s: Boundaries, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt, and silent Agreements.


When someone we know has a brain disease, we recognize barriers to maintaining safety, defusing crises, and promoting brain health practices.  This module covers these issues including Anosognosia, Crisis Management, Defensive not Offensive Behavior, Mental Health History Doc, Suicide as a Symptom.

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