What is Anosognosia?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Anosognosia is a condition where your brain can’t recognize one or more other health conditions you have. It’s extremely common with Mental Illness or Brain Disease like schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. This condition isn’t dangerous on its own, but people with it are much more likely to avoid or resist treatment for their other health conditions.” Unfortunately, this lack of recognition prevents people from understanding and effectively managing their illness. As Xavier Amador (2020) points out in “I’m not sick, I don’t need help,” this can lead to dangerous and life-threatening situations.

Many of our loved ones struggle with psychosis or a psychotic illness. A valuable member of the National Shattering Silence Coalition (Policy Director/Ohio), peer and author Darrell Herrmann wrote a comprehensive guide to help those who have a psychotic illness and those who care for those who have a psychotic illness.

Inside this six-page handguide, Darrell explains psychosis, anosognosia, and psychotic illnesses’ symptoms in layman’s terms. Anti-psychiatry, recovery, and successful treatment methods are also discussed. You can download a copy here.

This is such important information to understand about psychotic illnesses.