Serious Mental Illness Awareness Movies, Books, Music Monthly Discussions

Serious Mental Illnesses impact families, communities, and all of us.  

April 2024

This month, we are continuing our discussion of Daylight Savings Time, spring, and the increase in epsiodes for those susceptible to seasonal changes. There are more individuals experencing mania, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and other symptoms of serious mental illness.

April is also stress awareness month. Check out this month’s ebook for more on this!


Share Your Story

What is YOUR experience with loved ones with SMIs?

Upload a blurb of your experience.


Tell a story from your experience caring about someone with a SMI.

Upload a video sharing your story.

Share a resource that’s helpful

Book, website, music, movie, group, ted talk

Helping each other is the only way to raise awareness of serious mental illness and the toll it takes on individuals, families, and the community.

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